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The Yin Tonics Masterclass - The Yin lines

  • bodymindlife surry hills sydney Australia (map)

#2 Tonic – The Yin lines


Three New beautiful Yin Tonics beginning in class one with your outer 3 layers of’ Yang’ lines and what it means to be strong, decisive, boundaried and ‘do”. Moving through to class two we go to your inner 3 layers of ‘Yin” lines and what it means to be nurturing, soft, receptive and ‘be’. Finishing on class 3 as we ‘return’ and bring balance back to both our yin and yang sides and explore what it means to let Yin nurture Yang and Yang hold Yin.

Each class will begin with a short Qi Gong warm-up to cultivate and move Qi, then we’ll explore the long held Yin shapes for fascia release, meridian stimulation/ organ health, joint exercise and deep rest for the nervous system. Our final touch will be a simple guided meditation to slip you gently into your final ‘rest and digest’ phase of class.