A YIN YOGA MASTER CLASS for autumn balance of the Lung/Large intestine meridians and organs and the Heart chakra.
As autumn creeps in, and the drier cooler air descends we come into lung time - it is definitely a time when we are wholly supported to be letting go ..just like the trees shedding their leaves – to naturally let go of things that have died, need to die and make space for the new growth in our lives come spring.
We can release all that’s past physically mentally and emotionally, keep the lessons and the wisdoms, and emerge lighter and freer. The asana focus is on how we can incorporate the upper body fascial trains - arms and shoulders, chest and upper back - into our practices, for 6 of the major muscle meridians we focus on in yin run through here and are not to be overlooked!
Lung gives us the opportunity to open our arms wide and let all that is past go and all that is stagnant move through with each new breath we can invite in what we really want and need
In usual master class style we will include some breath work, meditation and the healing practice of dropping into rest and digest states and conserving chi in these autumn yin-times.
Venue - Inyoga 115 Cooper St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Times - 1.45pm-3.45pm
Cost - $55 (members receive a 10% discount)
Bookings info@inyoga.com.au
Bring a blanket or shawl / eye pillow for extra cosy-ness